The Prayer Project Challenge #3 Sign Up: Trusting God With Your Love Story

It’s that time again! Are you ready?

We are finally nearing the month of May and I am so excited about The Prayer Project Challenge #3! Can you believe it? We are on the third challenge! (Sign up below)

May’s challenge will be a unique one. For the month of May, the challenge is to commit to writing prayers for 30 days for your future husband or wife (if you are not married already). Living in a society that places so much emphasis on finding the right mate…Have you ever thought of praying for them?

Have you ever considered covering them in prayer although you may not even know who they are yet?

Most of us desire a Christ-centered marriage and although many of us are single and haven’t a clue who our spouse may be, an awesome way to begin preparing your heart and the heart of your future spouse is to begin praying for him/her before you actually meet them.

Before I go on, please understand that this is NOT a ploy to get God to move faster to bring you a mate. Praying for them will not make God send them to you quicker. The purpose of this challenge is to 1) Help you entrust your desires to God, 2) Prepare your heart for your future mate by spending quality time communing and communicating with God, and 3) Strengthening the heart of your future spouse by covering them in prayer without their knowing.

The joy of praying for your spouse or future spouse lies in how much it may actually change you. You may begin to pray for confidence and fearlessness, for him or her; or humility and a servant’s heart in your future mate and begin to realize how much you also need these characteristics. Preparing your heart for your future mate involves allowing God to change yours first.

Theme for May: Pray for your future spouse. (If you are married, pray for your spouse)

How to Participate:
  • Sign up for the challenge here
  • Commit to 30 days of written prayers for your future spouse. If you are engaged to be married or are already married, do not inform him/her that you are doing this.
  • For 30 days, write one prayer a day as a journal entry. Keep them in a handwritten journal or type them and keep them in a folder on your computer.
  • At the end of the 30 days, if you choose, save your journal to present to your husband or wife, when/if God blesses you to marry. If you are already married, if you choose, present your prayer journal as a gift to your spouse.
  •  Let them know that God placed them on your heart to lift them up in prayer and that you decided to pray for them with no hidden agenda or intent to receive anything in return. Make sure you are doing this as a pure and genuine act of love.

Challenge #3 of The Prayer Project 30 Day Written Prayer Challenge will begin May 1, 2014.

If you are up for the challenge, sign up at the link below to let me know that you are joining! Make sure that you check your email and click the link to confirm your participation! If you have already signed up for the previous challenge, no need to sign up again. If you have not, 

How to Pray When Facing a Crisis

We know that God is available 24/7, every hour of every day to hear from us when we are in need. What a wonderful privilege it is to have that kind of access to our Creator! But sometimes situations happen in our lives or in the lives of someone we know where we feel a sense of urgency. A crisis has appeared out of nowhere and you don’t know what to do. The emotions you may be experiencing are overwhelming and you know that this time is different. You REALLY need God’s attention. You want to make sure that God hears you and will answer.

In urgent moments like these we often look to God because we know that there isn't any one person that can explain or understand the fullness of what is happening but God. We also tend to feel guilty or embarrassed to bring it to God because we are extremely angry or frustrated because we know the situation is out of our control. Don’t. God knows our frustrations and He knows that we get angry. After all, He is the one who gave us those emotions! When you feel this way, don’t feel guilty or apologetic for feeling that way. Pour it ALL out to God...all of it. Cry, snot, scream - whatever you have to do, just release it all to Him.

I used to feel bad when I “let God have it.” All of my frustration, hurt and anger I would express to Him and afterward I would feel SO much better. Like a huge weight was just lifted off of my shoulders. But then I would feel terrible because I had basically just yelled at God lol! I would feel so sorry.

Just this past week I read something that really helped me.

“If you are smack-dab in the middle of a crisis today, cry out to God. Tell Him exactly how you feel. He can handle it. Someone once told me that God is not embarrassed by the honesty of our prayers. Get gut-level honest with God and tell Him how badly you hurt, how angry you are, and that you need His help to get through this crisis. Don’t worry about God – He can deal with this. When you cast (which means “to throw”) your cares on Him, throw your best stuff at Him. He wants you to. It’s a great first step toward praying appropriately in the face of a crisis.”John Hull, Pivotal Praying

“God is not embarrassed by the honesty of our prayers.” – Whoa. I can’t explain to you how much that sentence alone helped me. I no longer needed to feel bad, because God actually wants us to dump everything we are feeling on Him! God wants us to be 100% honest with Him. He wants us to show Him our REAL emotions. THIS is how we connect with God. This vulnerable, open state is where God can do His best work. But He needs one thing from us. HONESTY.

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” – 1Peter 5:7(NIV)

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The Prayer Project Challenge #2 - Sign up

I am beyond excited to continue with challenge #2 of The Prayer Project 30 Day Written Prayer Challenge. So many people were blessed by the first challenge that I have decided to continue this project throughout the entire year! For the month of March we will again commit 30 days of prayer to individuals that God places on our hearts. I have decided to change the theme for this challenge. The challenge for the month of March is to dedicate 30 days of written prayers to someone you do not know personally. This may include someone you may know in passing, someone you may know but have yet to develop a personal relationship with, or even someone you have yet to meet. How much of a blessing would it be to intercede on behalf of someone that least expects it? I'm thrilled to continue the project this upcoming month and look forward to displaying love in a new way. (Sign-up below)

Theme for March: Pray for someone you do not know personally.

How to Participate:
  • Choose a person that you don't know personally that God places on your heart to dedicate 30 days of prayer to. Do not inform the person you are praying for that you are doing this.
  • For 30 days, write one prayer a day as a journal entry. Keep them in a handwritten journal or type them and keep them in a folder on your computer.
  • At the end of the 30 days, if you choose, present the person you were praying for with the prayer journal as a gift. Let them know that God placed them on your heart to lift them up in prayer and that you decided to pray for them with no hidden agenda or intent to receive anything in return. Make sure you are doing this as a pure and genuine act of love.

Challenge #2 of The Prayer Project 30 Day Written Prayer Challenge will begin March 1, 2014.

If you are up for the challenge, sign up at the link below to let me know that you are joining! Make sure that you check your email and click the link to confirm your participation! If you have already signed up for the previous challenge, no need to sign up again. If you have not,