The Prayer Project Challenge #5 Sign Up: Restoring Hope In Our Youth

And we're back with the 5th challenge of The Prayer Project 30 Day Written Prayer Challenge. I can't believe that we are already on challenge 5! I want to extend a sincere thank you to all who have participated in these challenges since January/challenge 1. Everyone who has jumped on the bandwagon during these last 9 months, thank you as well for your participation and support!

Now let's get into this month's challenge details. (Sign-up below)

For the last few months my heart has been extremely heavy because of recent events concerning our youth and adolescents. It seems as if every time I look at the news I am hearing about another kidnapping, or a shooting, or a killing, or a teen being murdered...So many stories have been surfacing regarding our young that my heart has been continually heavy for them. I can only imagine what is going on through the minds of the many children who are watching these stories as well.

With all of these terrible events happening, my concern really has been for the hearts of our youth. I am constantly concerned not only for their physical well being and safety, but even more so their emotional and mental well being. So many odds are against them. With all that is going on in our society, imagine how easy it is for them to lose hope and develop fear.

It is mainly our jobs as adults and as their guardians to reassure them that they are loved, protected and secure. I want our children to continue to hope and dream, I want to restore peace and security in their hearts and remove any fear they have of growing up. God loves them and has purposely placed them in our lives to care for and to help mold. He has specific plans for them too!

With this being said, it is my hope that you would come together and join me in praying for our children and teenagers. The battle we are fighting in trying to keep them physically and emotionally safe and healthy can't be won on our own. We have to get down on our knees and seek the One who gave them to us. For God alone knows each of them and has the power to keep them safe and strong as their little hearts and minds continue to develop and grow.

Will you join me?

“Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn't receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them." - Mark 10:14b-16(NLT)


Theme for September: Pray for a child or a teenager.

How to Participate:

  • Choose a specific child or teenager that God places on your heart to dedicate 30 days of prayer to. Do not inform the child/teen you are praying for that you are doing this.
  • For 30 days, write one prayer a day as a journal entry. Keep them in a handwritten journal or type them and keep them in a folder on your computer.
  • At the end of the 30 days, if you choose or when you choose, present the child/teen you were praying for with the prayer journal as a gift. Let them know that God placed them on your heart to lift them up in prayer and that you decided to pray for them with no hidden agenda or intent to receive anything in return. Make sure you are doing this as a pure and genuine act of love.
(Note: Each challenge theme changes, if however you already have someone in mind that you would like to pray for that doesn't fit the theme, please go ahead and pray for that person. If God places it on your heart to pry for a group of children/teens or generally pray for all children and teens please feel free to do that.)

Challenge #5 of The Prayer Project 30 Day Written Prayer Challenge will begin September 1, 2014.

If you are up for the challenge, sign up at the link below to let me know that you are joining. 
Make sure that you check your email and click the link to confirm your participation. 

Already signed up? Invite your friends to join you! Click here to tweet: I'm signed up for #ThePrayerProject 30 Day Written Prayer Challenge by @Saunyaaa. Wanna join me?

If you have already signed up for a previous challenge, no need to sign up again. If you haven't