The Prayer Project & Love Talks Interview Recap (Audio Included)

I wanted to extend my thanks again to Miss Dea Woods for having me on her show,

Love Talks w/Dea

. It inspires me so much to see other young adults living for God and using the gifts God has blessed them with for His glory.

If you missed the our discussion, you missed a treat! I shared my story on how and why I created both this blog and

The Prayer Project

. We also talked about prayer, it's impact on our generation, and why a lot of our peers don't do it! But don't worry, I have posted our conversation below (after the jump). If you listen, make sure you leave comments, I would love to know your thoughts. Make sure you check out Dea's radio show, 

Love Talks w/Dea

 every Sunday night at 6:30pm EST for more discussions and inspiration from her and other young adults living for God.


Current Religion Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with

Love Talks WDea

on BlogTalkRadio

The Prayer Project & Love Talks Live Interview This Sunday

Tomorrow, Sunday, February 16, 2014, 6:30pm EST, I will be chatting with Dea Woods about The Prayer Project on her live blog radio show, Love Talks w/Dea! I am excited to join her on her show to discuss this project and the impact prayer has on our generation. I am inviting you to listen in! During the first 30 minutes of the show, you can call in and ask me questions or comment on our conversation. I would love to hear from you!

You can listen in by clicking this link:

The show will begin 6:30pm Eastern Standard Time. (That's 5:30pm CST and 3:30pm PST)
You can call in at 347-215-8876 during the first 30 minutes of the show with your questions and comments. I look forward to sharing and speaking with some of you.


Trapped by Comparison

Sometimes I feel like a huge chunk of my life was wasted.

Let me explain. Throughout the past 2-3 years I discovered bliss. My bliss. Internal joy, peace, self contentment, and freedom. And it feels so good. If only I could have discovered it earlier.

Have you ever heard of the saying, “Comparison is the thief of joy?”

Well I feel like I spent wayyy too much time comparing myself to other people - comparing the things that they had to the things I had, comparing where they were in their life to where I was in mine, comparing their assets and possessions to mine…just comparing, comparing, comparing.

And the thing is, I didn't realize I was doing it. I was comparing so often, I did it without thinking. And oh! Social media just amplified it. I spent countless hours scrolling through Facebook and Instagram looking at all the beautiful things my peers had and looking at all the beautiful places they had been and was slowly becoming dissatisfied with my own life. It just seemed like everybody else had it all together. I mean, I was looking right at it!

What I didn't realize was that people display their highlight reel. They only show and post the things that they want others to see; The things that make them look good. I fell right into that trap believing that I was the only one that wasn't living this beautiful life that everyone else seemed to be living. I unknowingly began to seek after these “beautiful” things that I was seeing. Trying to be fulfilled and happy like everyone else in the pictures appeared to be.

How silly of me to use another person’s life as a measuring stick for mine? It really doesn't make much sense when I really think about it. God made us each individual. He gave us each different identities, different personalities, different appearances and even different fingerprints. We are all different from one another. Why then would I look at someone else and try to pattern myself after something that wasn't designed for me?

It had become exhausting.

Constantly looking over my shoulder at what everyone else was doing instead of focusing my attention on the beauty of my own life and the beauty of the journey God had created just for me. All that time I spent comparing, cheated me out of the peace and tranquility God provides when we look to Him to affirm our adequacy. I finally came to the realization that God doesn't compare us to anyone else. Think about it. Do you think God sits back and compare a masterpiece He created to another masterpiece He created? No! 

So why do we do it? If God is fine with us, we should learn to be fine with ourselves. I had to learn to practice looking to God to make sure I was walking in the will He created for me. This doesn't mean that I can't continually seek to be my best. But I had to focus on doing just that, being my best. Not trying to be better than him or trying to measure up to her, but being my best.

Being able to wake up with peace of mind and heart and knowing that I am right where I am supposed to be in God’s will keeps me from looking over to my left and to my right trying to measure how well I am doing in comparison to my peers. This is where I found my contentment - in God. Not in being better or having more than the next person. The peace and freedom I feel is bliss. I am no longer trapped or held hostage by comparison.

Delivery Doesn't Require Perfection

I’m a perfectionist. A big one. I see things the way I want them and aim for that standard that I have set for myself. Now I can’t say if that is a good or bad thing, but I have noticed that it at times has negatively affected my stress levels and courage to do the work God has called me to do. Somewhere along my journey, I developed a fixation for perfectionism not realizing that perfection does not exist in the human form. Mistakes will be made, slip-ups will occur and mess-ups will happen. And that's okay.

The day I discovered this about myself, I asked, “Are you being realistic Saunya?” I began to notice how I would develop in my mind exactly how I wanted the things that I do to be delivered and received and if it didn't go the way I planned, I would be disappointed. I began to notice this cycle and I started to question why I couldn't just relax and go with the flow. The habit I was developing in wanting everything that I did to be perfect was causing me to constantly be unhappy with my efforts and even causing me to not want to do them at all. I realized that I wanted complete control of everything that I did and that wasn't realistic.

I'm human. The gifts that God has blessed me with to share was not intended to be delivered “perfectly” but delivered. It could possibly be full of mistakes and flaws, but as long as the job gets done and the message is relayed, I should know that God is pleased. Now this doesn't mean that I can't still strive for my best, but I know that God would not have given me the gifts He did if He didn't believe that I could deliver them effectively. And that keeps me from stressing over it. Even if my efforts may not produce those perfect results that I expect from myself, I know that if I allow the Holy Spirit to work through me, all work that I do for God will be perfect in His eyes because it will be part of His plan.

"So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord's work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless." - 1 Corinthians 15:58

 This scripture reminded me that my focus should just be on doing those things that God has set out for me to do. I don't have to worry about how perfect my delivery is or how well I perform in my delivery, but to just deliver. As long as I am obedient and sincere in my efforts, God will honor that and take care of the rest. 

This reminds me of the story of Moses. When God appeared to him in the form of a burning bush, and told him that he was to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt from Pharaoh, Moses questioned his abilities. 

"But Moses pleaded with the Lord, "O Lord, I’m not very good with words. I never have been, and I’m not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled.”

Then the Lord asked Moses, “Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say." - Exodus 4:10-11

This teaches me to stop trying to do everything in my own power and allow the Lord to work through me. I am not perfect but God is. If I release control and give the Lord free reign to do His work through me, I will never be disappointed, and I will never have to worry if I did a good enough job. I will know that the perfect God that is doing work through me will produce the perfect results that He desires. 


Reference Scriptures:

The Key To Salvation

Have you accepted Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior?

Did you know that God will not hear your prayers if you have not personally accepted Him into your heart? (Romans 10:9-10) Receiving Jesus Christ into your heart as your personal Savior is the first step in developing a wonderful relationship with Him. Your sins will be forgiven, The Holy Spirit will come to live within you, and you will be guaranteed a place with Jesus in heaven. It also opens the line of communication with God that would otherwise be closed. If you would like to be saved today, pray these words below or use your own words:

Lord Jesus,
I truly believe that You are the Son of God. I confess that I have sinned against You and cannot save myself. Please forgive my wrongdoing and let me live in a relationship with You from now on. I receive You as my personal Savior and believe that You have died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead and are alive and can hear my prayers. I invite You to rule in my life and in my heart from this day forward. Help me to live a life that is pleasing to You. Thank You for saving me.
In Jesus' name,
