The Prayer Project & Love Talks Live Interview This Sunday

Tomorrow, Sunday, February 16, 2014, 6:30pm EST, I will be chatting with Dea Woods about The Prayer Project on her live blog radio show, Love Talks w/Dea! I am excited to join her on her show to discuss this project and the impact prayer has on our generation. I am inviting you to listen in! During the first 30 minutes of the show, you can call in and ask me questions or comment on our conversation. I would love to hear from you!

You can listen in by clicking this link:

The show will begin 6:30pm Eastern Standard Time. (That's 5:30pm CST and 3:30pm PST)
You can call in at 347-215-8876 during the first 30 minutes of the show with your questions and comments. I look forward to sharing and speaking with some of you.
