The Prayer Project Challenge #2 - Sign up

I am beyond excited to continue with challenge #2 of The Prayer Project 30 Day Written Prayer Challenge. So many people were blessed by the first challenge that I have decided to continue this project throughout the entire year! For the month of March we will again commit 30 days of prayer to individuals that God places on our hearts. I have decided to change the theme for this challenge. The challenge for the month of March is to dedicate 30 days of written prayers to someone you do not know personally. This may include someone you may know in passing, someone you may know but have yet to develop a personal relationship with, or even someone you have yet to meet. How much of a blessing would it be to intercede on behalf of someone that least expects it? I'm thrilled to continue the project this upcoming month and look forward to displaying love in a new way. (Sign-up below)

Theme for March: Pray for someone you do not know personally.

How to Participate:
  • Choose a person that you don't know personally that God places on your heart to dedicate 30 days of prayer to. Do not inform the person you are praying for that you are doing this.
  • For 30 days, write one prayer a day as a journal entry. Keep them in a handwritten journal or type them and keep them in a folder on your computer.
  • At the end of the 30 days, if you choose, present the person you were praying for with the prayer journal as a gift. Let them know that God placed them on your heart to lift them up in prayer and that you decided to pray for them with no hidden agenda or intent to receive anything in return. Make sure you are doing this as a pure and genuine act of love.

Challenge #2 of The Prayer Project 30 Day Written Prayer Challenge will begin March 1, 2014.

If you are up for the challenge, sign up at the link below to let me know that you are joining! Make sure that you check your email and click the link to confirm your participation! If you have already signed up for the previous challenge, no need to sign up again. If you have not,